Worth Knowing About Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

Ultrasound refers to the sound waves that are above the maximum human audibility limit between 16kHz and 1GHz. As a result of which the ultrasound is much more efficient and more energy-rich than the sound of the hearing, it is used in many fields of application, for example in cosmetics or in the diagnosis in medicine. Among other things, the ultrasound is of course also used in ultrasonic cleaning machine . Ultrasonic cleaning has been proven for years and is suitable for the thorough and gentle cleaning of simple and complex components. How does the ultrasonic cleaning work? The liquid required for the ultrasonic cleaning is caused to oscillate in the form of a longitudinal wave by the energy generated in the ultrasonic generator. Due to the sound pressure, the smallest bubbles form in the cleaning fluid, which generates impulses of pressure on the surface of the workpiece during imploding. These pressure pulses are also called cavitation and cause the ...