Tips To Do Laundry With a Mini Washing Machine

You can start your vacation when your suitcase is full, your travel bag is full, or your backpack seams to burst. No matter whether it's a short trip or a two-person long weekend. Everyone can take as much as they want, and it is suitable for all occasions. However, especially if you arrive by bus, train or plane, and the capacity of the luggage is limited from the very beginning, families with children can be in the queue when they want to get fresh every day on vacation. Then you may need to do laundry on vacation that's why you need a mini washing machine

You can save on luggage if you wash clothes during the holidays 

On a holiday that lasts more than 10 days, it will also be very difficult for the family to pack all the necessary clothes. You need organizational talent. It is the desire to stop do the washing on vacation or do it yourself at home. Many hotels and accommodation offer laundry services. If you do not want to use these expensive services, then there is only a coin-operated laundry (if it is available nearby) or a handwashing option. But there is also a mini washing machine option. 

Tip One: Just write an accurate list before packing your suitcase 

Take into account not only the climate and season but also the conditions of the holiday place, stuffing things in a targeted way. All that is not necessary will remain in the House. If you do not need to look at the money, do it like a good globetrotter on the heels-put sunglasses on your nose, put a passport and a purse on your body, put a beauty case in your hand and buy everything you need. Even a toothbrush, a laundry to replace. For all other travelers: washing clothes during the holidays will save a lot of luggage. 

Tip two: travel tube, powder, tiny washing machine? 

The detergents used during the holidays can be determined on-site, if necessary. All supermarkets have detergent. We especially recommend practical travel tubes. This is guaranteed to last for the entire holiday period. If you stay in the hotel for a long time, it makes no sense to put the detergent in the luggage. As a rule, all that can be done on vacation is mainly washing in a sink, which will clean underwear, T-shirts, and swimsuits. 

Anyone who takes a child to a beach villa with a bowling pin and a dog will surely travel by car. In a well-equipped villa, you can get all the facilities, so if there is a corner space left in the trunk, you can carry your favorite tiny ultrasonic cleaning tool with you. 

Tip 3: Stay calm and be on vacation 

Parents with active children are familiar with this problem. If you wear a T-shirt, trousers or a dress, you will immediately get a stain. Ketchup, jam, berry stains, street dirt and mud-in a very short time, half of the holiday resort is on the clothes of your child. The only thing that will help here is to remain calm. A child is small, and it is not necessary to look like he was pulled out of an egg, especially during the holidays. Seaside holidays are best for families with small children anyway. If the weather is good, then the laundry will work almost. As soon as the swimsuit gets dirty, you can wash it in the ultrasonic tiny washing machine.


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